The 2024 Teacher/ Staff Appreciation Week will be held February 11-17.
Teachers and our school staff have some of the most difficult jobs. They are there for our children day in and day out, often under trying circumstances and with less than adequate resources and support. Their professionalism, dedication, and expertise form the cornerstone of our nation’s public education system.

Without the hard work of teachers, Canadian scientists, artists, and political and business leaders would not be among the best in the world.
Many education leaders suggest that the most effective way to improve education in this country is to give teachers the status, support, and recognition they genuinely deserve. Recognizing our teachers and school staff, for all they do, does not need to be time-consuming, expensive, or reserved for one special week during the year. One of the greatest ways a parent can show their appreciation, to those who work in our schools, is by being actively involved in their child’s education all year long. Parents should establish a good working relationship with teachers/school staff early in the school year.
From Feb. 11-17 be sure to tell teachers and our school staff how much you appreciate who they are and what they do.
Expressing appreciation to a teacher/staff does NOT have to be costly. A homemade card and/or a hand-written note is a meaningful way to show your gratitude.
Here are a few ideas and suggestions to assist with the celebration of TSAW week:
Monday – Hang a “We Love Our Teachers/Staff” banner on the front of the school. Place a red apple with a note from the School Council in each mailbox or on each desk.
Don’t forget the bus drivers and custodians. – Make a daily draw for a donated prize.
Tuesday – Hang a collage made of photos of teachers/staff and students at work and play and decorate the halls with balloons and paper apples on which the students have written stories, poems or drawn pictures. Serve coffee and treats in the staff room. – Daily draw.
Wednesday – Place flowers in the staff room. Serve a buffet lunch. Be sure to arrange for supervision so all teachers and staff can attend. – Daily draw.
Thursday – Have cheese platters and a fruit basket in the staff room. Give each staff member a bag filled with pens, notepaper, etc.- Daily draw.
Friday – Hold a Teacher/Staff Appreciation Tea/lunch. -Daily draw or draws depending on the number of prizes that have been donated by local businesses. – Raffle grand prize winner draw.For more ideas, please visit our Facebook page and take a look at the photos, submitted by members, during past TSAW celebrations.